SASUnit Examples  Version 1.5.0 File Reference

creates a unique name for a temporary dataset in the form WORK.DATAxxx, where xxx is a consecutive integer. More...

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Detailed Description

creates a unique name for a temporary dataset in the form WORK.DATAxxx, where xxx is a consecutive integer.

The calling program will create a dataset with this name. All of these temporary datasets can be deleted at the end of the calling macro by a call like %delTempFiles (see

Important: in order to delete only datasets created in the calling macro program, define the macro symbol l_first_temp before the first call to %tempFileName: %LOCAL l_first_temp;

Call: %LOCAL macvar; %tempFileName(&macvar);

$Revision: 315 $
$Author: klandwich $
$Date: 2014-02-28 10:25:18 +0100 (Fr, 28 Feb 2014) $
See Also
For further information please refer to SASUnit User's Guide
$HeadURL: $
r_tempFilename of maro variable to contain the generated name

Definition in file