29 %MACRO assertRowExpression(i_libref =
32 ,i_desc = Check
if all observations meet the where expression
39 %IF &g_inTestcase EQ 1 %THEN %DO;
42 %ELSE %IF &g_inTestcase NE 2 %THEN %DO;
43 %PUT &g_error.(SASUNIT): assert must be called after initTestcase;
47 %LOCAL l_dsname l_result l_actual l_errmsg l_nobs l_casid l_tstid l_path;
48 %LET l_dsname =%sysfunc(catx(., &i_libref., &i_memname.));
52 %*************************************************************;
53 %*** Check preconditions ***;
54 %*************************************************************;
55 %*** check
for valid libref and existence of data set***;
56 %IF (%sysfunc (libref (&i_libref.)) NE 0) %THEN %DO;
58 %LET l_errmsg =Libref &i_libref. is not valid!;
61 %IF (%sysfunc(exist(&l_dsname.)) EQ 0) %THEN %DO;
63 %LET l_errmsg =Dataset &l_dsname. does not exist!;
66 %IF (%upcase (&o_maxReportObs.) ne MAX) %THEN %DO;
68 num=input (symget (
69 if (num <= 0) then
70 PUT
"&G_WARNING.(SASUNIT): o_maxReportObs contains an invalid value and is set to MAX";
71 call symputx (
76 %*************************************************************;
77 %*** testing the assert condition ***;
78 %*************************************************************;
79 %*** Retrieve number of observations in dataset ***;
80 %LET l_nobs=%_nobs(&l_dsname.);
81 %IF (&l_nobs.=0) %THEN %DO;
87 %_getScenarioTestId (i_scnid=&g_scnid, r_casid=l_casid, r_tstid=l_tstid);
89 %*** create subfolder ***;
90 %_createTestSubfolder (i_assertType =assertRowExpression
97 libname _areLib
99 %*** Count matching observations ***;
101 select count (*) into :l_actual
105 %IF (&syserr. ne 0) %THEN %DO;
107 %LET l_errmsg=Where expression is not valid!;
108 data _areLib.ViolatingObservations;
112 libname _areLib clear;
116 options obs=&o_maxReportObs.;
117 data _areLib.ViolatingObservations;
118 set &l_dsname (where=(not (&i_where.)));
119 %IF (&o_listVars. ne _NONE_) %THEN %DO;
125 libname _areLib clear;
126 %IF (&l_rc. ne 0) %THEN %DO;
128 %LET l_errmsg=Error writing table with condition violating observations!;
132 %*** Determine results***;
133 %if (&l_actual. eq &l_nobs.) %then %do;
137 %LET l_errmsg =Some observations are violating the condition!;
141 *** update result in test database ***;
142 %_asserts(i_type = assertRowExpression
143 ,i_expected = &l_nobs.
144 ,i_actual = &l_actual.
146 ,i_result = &l_result.
147 ,i_errmsg = &l_errmsg.
149 %MEND assertRowExpression;