42 %MACRO assertLibrary (i_actual = _NONE_
44 ,i_desc = Compare libraries
45 ,i_libraryCheck = STRICT
46 ,i_compareCheck = STRICT
49 ,i_ExcludeList = _NONE_
54 %IF &g_inTestcase EQ 1 %THEN %DO;
57 %ELSE %IF &g_inTestcase NE 2 %THEN %DO;
58 %PUT &g_error.(SASUNIT): assert must be called after initTestcase;
62 %LOCAL l_casid l_tstid ;
63 %_getScenarioTestId (i_scnid=&g_scnid, r_casid=l_casid, r_tstid=l_tstid);
65 %local l_actual_ok l_expected_ok l_result l_path_actual l_path_expected _sysinfo l_col_names l_id_col l_counter l_id l_rc l_errMsg;
68 %*************************************************************;
69 %*** Check preconditions ***;
70 %*************************************************************;
72 %*** check
for valid actual libref ***;
73 %let l_actual_ok=%sysfunc (libref (&i_actual.));
74 %
if (&l_actual_ok. > 0) %then %
76 %let l_errMsg=Libref i_actual (&i_actual.) is invalid!;
80 %*** check for valid expected libref ***;
81 %let l_expected_ok=%sysfunc (libref (&i_expected.));
82 %if (&l_expected_ok. > 0) %then %do;
84 %let l_errMsg=Libref i_expected (&i_expected.) is invalid!;
88 %*** check for equal librefs ***;
89 %if (&i_actual. = &i_expected.) %then %do;
91 %let l_errMsg=Librefs are identical!;
95 %*** check for identical paths ***;
96 %let l_path_actual = %sysfunc (pathname (&i_actual.));
97 %let l_path_expected = %sysfunc (pathname (&i_expected.));
98 %if ("&l_path_actual." = "&l_path_expected.") %then %do;
100 %let l_errMsg=Paths of librefs are identical!;
104 %*** Check valid values for i_LibraryCheck ***;
105 %let i_LibraryCheck = %upcase (%trim(&i_LibraryCheck.));
106 %if (&i_LibraryCheck. ne STRICT AND &i_LibraryCheck. ne MORETABLES) %then %do;
108 %let l_errMsg=Value of i_LibraryCheck (%trim(&i_LibraryCheck.)) is invalid!;
112 %*** Check valid values for i_CompareCheck ***;
113 %let i_CompareCheck = %upcase (%trim(&i_CompareCheck.));
114 %if (&i_CompareCheck. ne STRICT AND &i_CompareCheck. ne MORECOLUMNS
115 AND &i_CompareCheck. ne MOREOBS AND &i_CompareCheck. ne MORECOLSNOBS) %then %do;
117 %let l_errMsg=Value of i_CompareCheck (%trim(&i_CompareCheck.)) is invalid!;
121 %let i_ExcludeList = %upcase (%trim(&i_ExcludeList.));
122 %let l_errMsg=Differences between datasets in the libraries! Please check SASUnit documentation for details.;
124 %*************************************************************;
125 %*** start tests ***;
126 %*************************************************************;
127 %_assertLibrary (i_actual =&i_actual.
128 ,i_expected =&i_expected.
129 ,i_ExcludeList =&i_Excludelist.
130 ,i_CompareCheck=&i_CompareCheck.
131 ,i_LibraryCheck=&i_LibraryCheck.
138 *** update result in test database ***;
139 %_asserts(i_type = assertLibrary
140 ,i_expected = &i_expected.
141 ,i_actual = &i_actual.
144 ,i_errMsg = &l_errMsg.