63 %MACRO assertColumns (i_expected =
65 ,i_desc = Compare datasets
75 %LOCAL l_allowSymbols l_i l_j l_symboli l_symbolj l_potenz l_mask l_casid l_tstid l_path l_errMsg;
101 %DO %WHILE(%length(%scan(&i_allow,%eval(&l_i+1),%str( ))));
102 %LET l_i = %eval (&l_i + 1);
103 %LET l_symboli = %upcase(%scan(&i_allow, &l_i, %str( )));
106 %DO %WHILE(%length(%scan(&l_allowSymbols,%eval(&l_j+1),%str( ))));
107 %LET l_j = %eval (&l_j+1);
108 %LET l_symbolj = %scan(&l_allowSymbols, &l_j, %str( ));
109 %IF &l_symboli = &l_symbolj %THEN %
goto label1;
110 %LET l_potenz = &l_potenz*2;
112 %PUT &g_error.(SASUNIT): assertColumns: invalid symbol &l_symboli in parameter i_allow;
115 %LET l_mask = %sysfunc(bor(&l_mask, &l_potenz));
119 %IF %length(&i_maxReportObs) %then %LET o_maxReportObs = &i_maxReportObs;
122 %IF (%length(&i_include) > 0 AND %length(&i_exclude) > 0) %THEN %DO;
123 %PUT &g_warning.(SASUNIT): Both parameters i_include and i_exclude have been set.;
124 %PUT &g_warning.(SASUNIT): I_exclude parameter will be dropped;
129 %GLOBAL g_inTestcase;
130 %IF &g_inTestcase EQ 1 %THEN %DO;
133 %ELSE %IF &g_inTestcase NE 2 %THEN %DO;
134 %PUT &g_error.(SASUNIT): assert must be called after initTestcase;
139 %_getScenarioTestId (i_scnid=&g_scnid, r_casid=l_casid, r_tstid=l_tstid);
141 %*** create subfolder ***;
142 %_createTestSubfolder (i_assertType =assertcolumns
149 libname _acLib
152 %LOCAL l_rc l_actual;
153 %IF NOT %sysfunc(exist(&i_actual,DATA)) AND NOT %sysfunc(exist(&i_actual,VIEW)) %THEN %DO;
155 %LET l_actual=ERROR: actual table not found.;
156 %LET l_errMsg=Actual table (&i_actual.) could not be found!;
160 %ELSE %IF NOT %sysfunc(exist(&i_expected,DATA)) AND NOT %sysfunc(exist(&i_expected,VIEW))%THEN %DO;
162 %LET l_actual=&l_actual ERROR: expected table not found.;
163 %LET l_errMsg=Expected table (&i_expected.) could not be found!;
169 %LOCAL l_formchar l_orientation l_compResult;
170 %LET l_formchar=%sysfunc(getoption(formchar));
171 %LET l_orientation=%sysfunc(getoption(orientation));
173 OPTIONS FORMCHAR="|----|+|---+=|-/\<>*";
176 ODS DOCUMENT NAME=_acLib._columns_rep(WRITE);
180 BASE=&i_expected %IF %quote(&i_exclude) NE %THEN %str(%(DROP= &i_exclude%));
181 COMPARE=&i_actual %IF %quote(&i_exclude) NE %THEN %str(%(DROP= &i_exclude%));
183 %IF %quote(&i_fuzz) NE %THEN CRITERION=&i_fuzz METHOD=ABSOLUTE;
185 %IF %quote(&i_id) NE %THEN %str(ID &i_id;);
186 %IF %quote(&i_include) NE %THEN %str(VAR &i_include;);
188 %PUT &g_note.(SASUNIT): sysinfo = &sysinfo;
189 %LET l_compResult = &sysinfo;
192 OPTIONS FORMCHAR="&l_formchar.";
193 OPTIONS ORIENTATION=&l_orientation.;
196 %LET l_rc=%eval((%sysfunc(bxor(%sysfunc(bor(&l_mask,&l_compResult)),&l_mask)) NE 0)*2);
201 %DO %WHILE(%length(%scan(&l_allowSymbols,%eval(&l_j+1),%str( ))));
202 %LET l_j = %eval (&l_j+1);
203 %LET l_symbolj = %scan(&l_allowSymbols, &l_j, %str( ));
204 %IF %sysfunc(band(&l_compResult, &l_potenz)) %THEN %DO;
205 %LET l_actual = &l_actual &l_symbolj;
207 %LET l_potenz = &l_potenz*2;
210 %IF (&l_rc eq 2) %THEN %DO;
211 %LET l_errMsg=%str(Allowed return codes are %upcase(&i_allow), comparing &i_expected. with &i_actual. resulted in these return codes &l_actual.);
216 %_asserts(i_type = assertColumns
217 ,i_expected = %upcase(&i_allow)
218 ,i_actual = &l_actual.
221 ,i_errMsg = &l_errMsg.
225 %IF &o_maxreportobs NE 0 %THEN %DO;
226 %IF %sysfunc(exist(&i_expected,DATA)) OR %sysfunc(exist(&i_expected,VIEW)) %THEN %DO;
227 DATA _acLib._columns_exp;
228 SET &i_expected (obs=&o_maxReportObs.);
232 %IF %sysfunc(exist(&i_actual,DATA)) OR %sysfunc(exist(&i_actual,VIEW)) %THEN %DO;
233 DATA _acLib._columns_act;
234 SET &i_actual (obs=&o_maxReportObs.);